Day 966: Surviving

I’m not going to add much today, will likely add more later on, but with that nasty novel corona virus spreading in China, my pretty little behind has avoided most of it by spending the holiday season in the USA, followed by a work trip to Seattle, and now the Chinese New Year holiday hopping between Singapore and Bangkok!

Things in Suzhou aren’t as bad as other places in China… Perhaps the 750km / 8 hour drive has provided enough of a buffer. I do have friends who are hunkered down in Suzhou. For the most part they’re doing fine, just getting a bit stir crazy, as one could imagine.

The Suzhou government has ordered factories and offices to be closed until Feb 10. With more cases of the virus being reported, the germs are still being passed person to person. My guess is that the government will encourage people to work remotely if possible for a few more weeks.

Food supplies seem to be ok in Suzhou. Restaurants are empty, but open. Face masks and hand sanitizer cannot be found. When I’m done with the pool today or tomorrow I may go hunting for both of those here in Bangkok!

That’s all for now. Except for this: Believe only 10% of what you hear from the various news outlets, especially those that might be named after a furry woodland animal.